quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

Charlie Watts abandonou os Rolling Stones?

Charlie Watts abandonou os Rolling Stones?

Depois de uma manhã nervosa com uma invasão de um vídeo do Keith Richards, no Facebook, que na verdade, era um vírus, vem essa BOMBA:

Charlie Watts estaria fora da melhor banda de Rock'n roll de todos os tempos??

Seria o fim dos Rolling Stones??

Todo mundo sabe que antes da tourneé mundial “A Bigger Bang Tour”, o baterista que adora cavalos já teria demonstrado vontade de se aposentar, mas não o fez, devido aos pedidos (e $$$?) dos outros membros da banda.

De acordo com a nota, até um possível baterista teria sido cogitado: no caso, outro Charlie, o Drayton, da banda Expensive Winos, do Keith Richards.

Até agora nada confirmado oficialmente, mas a notícia do Cashmere nos faz ouvir Mixed Emotions com o coração apertado.

Veja na íntegra a notícia do site Undercover:

EXCLUSIVE: Charlie Watts Quits The Rolling Stones

by Paul Cashmere - September 2 2009

Undercover has learned that Charlie Watts has quit The Rolling Stones.
A source within the Stones inner-circle says, “Charlie Watts has quit the band. He will never record or tour with the band again”.
The news does not come as a surprise. It was common knowledge that Keith Richards had to talk Charlie into contributing to the A Bigger Bang tour but this time it seems there is no calling Charlie back to active duty.
“The Stones are looking to Keith's Expensive Winos drummer Charlie Drayton to fill the void in all future Stones' callings,” our source says.
With Mick Jagger planning more Stones activity next year, the departure of Charlie will be a huge blow to the band. Charlie was the backbone of the band.
The 68-year old drummer simply doesn't want to do it anymore.
Charlie joined the Rolling Stones in January, 1963. He didn’t expect it would last. In fact, he kept his day job for several months until the band started to feel like a career.
Charlie’s decision to quit the band comes a three years short of the Stones 50th anniversary.
The Stones A Bigger Bang tour ran from August 2005 to August 2007.

It was the highest tour of all-time.

fonte: http://undercover.com.au/News-Story.aspx?id=9154_EXCLUSIVE:_Charlie_Watts_Quits_The_Rolling_Stones


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